Abandonment and Insolvency Cover

Specific counterparty protection for early-stage risk

Protects against the risk of a counterparty abandoning the project or becoming insolvent such that the credits cannot be delivered.​

Abandonment and Insolvency Cover is for completed carbon purchases or investments occurring at the Design & Implementation stage.​

Why buy Abandonment and Insolvency Cover?

Abandonment and Insolvency Cover protects transactions at the pre-validation stage:

  • This cover relates to an element of delivery risk – forward-purchased carbon credits might not result in verified delivered credits, on account of counterparty issues.

  • Protects the insured against the risk the counterparty abandons the project, or becomes insolvent, leading to a failure to deliver credits​.

  • Is applicable to all types of carbon projects.

  • At the point of validation, Abandonment and Insolvency has potential to convert to our Carbon Purchase Protection Cover for full delivery risk protection.

How does Abandonment and Insolvency cover work?

  • We understand that counterparty risk is a deterrent to companies wanting to buy pre-validation carbon credits as part of a high-integrity climate strategy.

  • Abandonment and Insolvency reduces counterparty risk, enabling companies to invest earlier in the carbon lifecycle, thereby securing their climate commitments.

  • Policy period up to five years.

Want to explore how Kita’s Abandonment and Insolvency Cover can protect your investments in early stage projects?