Understanding the risk landscape and identifying the key risks that matter most to your business is essential.

Kita’s carbon insurance and risk advisory solutions help, offering comprehensive coverage and tailored services.

Key categories of carbon-related risk, alongside ways to mitigate these risks, include:

  • Key Question
    What happens if a carbon project underperforms against forecasts?

    Under/non-delivery could occur due to a number of reasons including unavoidable losses (e.g. natural catastrophe); avoidable losses (e.g. abandonment & insolvency or fraud & negligence); or carbon losses (change in methodology or insolvency of the standard).

    Who might need this cover
    Those investing into a project and seeking a return on investment (cash or carbon credits).

    Buyers who are pre-purchasing carbon credits (ex-ante) and are waiting upon their delivery.

    Project Developers who must deliver credits to meet a pay-on-delivery contract.

  • Key Question
    Are you concerned about a reversal occurring after a credit has been issued?

    Reversals can happen across all types of carbon. For example nature-based solutions could face natural catastrophe, and engineered solutions could suffer leakage of carbon stored underground. Project developers might be required to make good this reversal, Carbon Standards might suffer losses from their buffer, and end users might question the integrity of their claims.

    How can Kita help
    We can provide risk management solutions for Carbon Standards who may be concerned about the impact of a significant reversal on their buffer pool, or who wish to provide solutions for Project Developers for managing their own reversal risk.

  • Key Question
    Do you rely on other parties as part of this transaction? Are you concerned about their actions?

    This risk can be broken down into three segments: Implementation, Financial and Contractual.

    Implementation (abandonment, fraud, negligence, non-delivery of credits)

    Financial (non-payment on delivery, insolvency)

    Contractual (breach of contract)

    Who might need this cover
    Investors, buyers, and intermediaries will rely on a counterparty to receive their credits. Likewise, a project developer may rely on a counterparty to successfully implement their project. Insurance can help mitigate these counterparty risks.

  • Key Question
    Are you concerned that a future event will lead to the invalidation of the project?

    For example, the project is invalidated due to a fraudulent or negligent act, a significant reversal of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere or a significant shift in methodology.

    How Kita can help
    Kita can advise on these risks within different projects - stemming from wider counterparty and reversal considerations - and guide clients towards appropriate risk mitigation solutions.

  • Key Question
    Are you concerned about changes to law or regulation at an international/governmental/national/subnational level which might result in a loss of of your carbon credits?

    This may relate to traditional political risks, such as war or terror, or carbon related risks, in particular for Article 6 markets.

    Who might need this cover
    This has the potential to impact all parties within the carbon markets.

  • Key question
    Are you worried about your price exposure to carbon, particularly how you might be required to replace credits lost with higher priced credits in the future?

    For companies that trade or invest in carbon credits, market prices can be turbulent. For companies that use carbon credits to meet net zero targets, price poses a wider risk. If a corporate is forced to replace carbon credits due to invalidation, it takes on a potentially uncapped future liability by being forced to replace those credits at unknown future prices.

    How Kita can help
    Kita does not insure price risk directly, however our insurance products can help to cap your exposure to these risks to enable more certainty in financial management.

Kita offers a range of risk solutions that cover all different risk profiles and climate strategies.

  • Carbon Purchase Protection Cover

    Insurance coverage for delivery risk

  • Abandonment and Insolvency

    Insurance coverage for counterparty risk

  • Buffer Depletion Protection Cover

    Protecting Carbon Standards’ buffers against depletion

  • Buffer as a Service

    Risk management for Carbon Standard Buffers

  • Risk Assessment

    Risk assessment across key risks and insurability criteria